Банковское право

Head of legal, Deputy Head of Legal, legal counsel, CEO legal adviser.

МОРОЗОВ СЕРГІЙ МИКОЛАЙОВИЧ 49 лет Киев Контактная информация Чтобы посмотреть контакты необходимо войти в профиль компании или зарегистрироваться
Общая информация о кандидате
  • Направление юриспруденции
  • Банковское право
    Договорное право
    Земельное право
    Корпоративное право
    Интеллектуальная собственность
    Слияние / поглощение
    Международное право
    Налоговое право
    Регистрация юридических лиц
    Гражданское право
    Ценные бумаги

  • Вид занятости
  • Полная

  • Вид деятельности
  • Юристы

  • Опыт работы
  • Работа в частных компаниях
    Работа в юридических компаниях

  • Языки
  • украинский




Contacts: sdm.morozov@gmail.com; cell No.: +38 067 2389203.

Date of birth: July 13, 1976.

Language skills: Ukrainian and Russian (native tongues) English (upper-intermediate).

Head of legal, Deputy Head of Legal, legal counsel, CEO legal adviser.

Education: Year 2000 – Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsy National University, Law Department, law science - spesialist;


·        Year 2000 – full educational course of Ministry of Economic of Ukraine, insolvency officer;

·        Years 2002, 2004 – corporate educational courses of JSPPB “Aval”;

·        Years 2005 – 2012 – different educational seminars and coaching subject to current and topical issues of legal practice, etc.

Professional skills:

           1.      More than 15 years of legal practice execution;

           2.      Advanced knowledge of key branches of law which govern business activity (civil law, civil procedure law, finance law including banking legislation and tax legislation, economic law, including securities legislation, corporate legislation, competition law, land law, licensing law, private international law, IP legislation, et cetera);

           3.      Broad work experience of:

·              M&A legal support;

·              Inauguration, reorganization and liquidation execution of legal entities as well as insolvency procedure fulfilment;

·              Corporate management issues settlement (establishing, supervising and restructuring of corporate models including with the involvement of instruments in foreign jurisdictions);

·              Legal support of relationship with banks, insurance companies, securities institutions and other financial companies;

·              Legal maintains of export – import deals and activity;

·              Formation as well as legal support of entering, amending, fulfilment, termination and closing of deals and agreements of any difficulty level including without limitation international one;

·              Legal support of registration procedures and execution of deals subject matter to Intellectual Property (IP) objects;

·              Legal support of execution of deals subject matter to real estate objects including industrial one;

·              Execution of due-diligence of any difficulty level.

           4.      Formation and execution of compliance security measures of business activity;

           5.      Legal support of relationships with the regulatory and law-enforcement authorities as well as relationships with the local authorities;

           6.      Litigation conduct in common courts, economic and administrative courts of all instances.

Employment history:

           1.       March 2020 until now – private legal practice:

·              Legal support of the direct investment project (Agriculture). Provision of legal services to loyal clients.

          2.       April 2018 – December 2019 – PJSC “Milk Alliance”, Kyiv city, Ukraine, legal counsel:

·              Legal support of company's ultimate beneficial owners. Execution of personal assignments of top-management;

·              Maintain of some legal entities and companies incorporated and existed in holding`s structure.

          3.       April 2017 – August 2017 – “Orientyrbudelement”, LLC, Brovary city, Kyiv region, Ukraine, Deputy chief executive:

·              Legal support of company's business development issues;

·              Maintain of negotiations and soliciting of suits with the major customers;

·              Tax advising execution;

·              Legal support of banking;

·              Supervising of corporate management issues. Legal advising of ultimate beneficial owner.

          4.       July 2008 – June 2014“Law Firm “SDM Partners”, LLC; Kyiv city, Ukraine, contract partner:

·              Participation in projects of the Company;

·              Legal support of key-clients of the company;

·              Execution of law practice in connection with National Bank of Ukraine, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, National Securities and Stock Market Commission, Natskomfinposlug.

          5.       January 2008 - April 2008JSC “Insurance Company “Osnova”, Kyiv city, Ukraine, Deputy chief executive:

·              Supervising of legal department;

·              Legal assistance of everyday business activity;

·              Proceeding of insurance losses adjustment;

·              M&A execution;

·              Litigation conduct;

·              Legal support of relationships with banks and partner – insurance companies.

          6.       September 2007 – October 2017 “Advocacy Group “Monolith”, LLC, Kyiv city, Ukraine, Director:

·              Organization of legal service provision to clients of the company;

·              Organization and maintain of every day activity of the company.

          7.       August 2004 - October 2007JSC “Informational computer systems”, Kyiv city, Ukraine, legal counsel (project supervisor):

·              Legal support of business with involving of big vendors. Key-clients and distribution deals support;

·              M&A deals completing;

·              Tax consulting and banking;

·              Intellectual property items registration, acquisition and other deals and operations support with last one;

·              Building and construction support;

·              Litigation conduct.

          8.       October 2000 - August 2004 JSPPB “Aval”, Kyiv city, Ukraine, different occupations of legal service department:

·              Corporate lending legal support;

·              Maintenance of active bank operations including securities and custody;

·              Work out;

·              Investment execution;

·              Litigation conduct;

·              Et Cetera.


Personal wealth: creative, prudent, diligent, cooperative.

Кратко о резюме
  • Соискатель


  • Номер телефона

    войдите в профиль компании

  • Желаемая должность

    Head of legal, Deputy Head of Legal, legal counsel, CEO legal adviser.

  • Вид занятости
    1. Полная
  • Направление юриспруденции
    1. Банковское право
    2. Договорное право
    3. Земельное право
    4. Корпоративное право
    5. Интеллектуальная собственность
    6. Слияние / поглощение
    7. Международное право
    8. Налоговое право
    9. Регистрация юридических лиц
    10. Гражданское право
    11. Ценные бумаги
    12. Прочие
  • Желаемая зарплата

    50000 грн.

  • Дата публикации:

    06.12.2020 г.

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